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Monday, January 28, 2008

Focus on Mazer Creative Services

I received an email from someone at Mazer Creative Services. She'd heard about the blog through the "educational publishing" alerts in her gmail (I'm going to have to ask her exactly how that works.) and thought I might like to mention Mazer. I took a look at their site and I certainly do want to mention them. They have openings, but I think they're full-time. She asked that any K-12 freelancers interested in work send their resume to the appropriate editor. Please send me an email for specifics.

This lovely Mazer contact also gave me a few other gems. (I just love helpful people!) She thought we might like to take a look at Academic Benchmarks. Here's the link to the employment page. She also said that the educational publishing community has a strong presence on I joined LinkedIn a little over a week ago and I'm already making strong contacts.

This email came out of the blue and really made my day. I also appreciate all the supportive emails I've received from people who visit the blog. Some are thanks, others are leads, all are very, very welcome. Thanks so much for all of your support.

Happy writing!


Anonymous said...

Thank Laura for your blog! I started working on freelance education projects about a year ago and your blog is a perfect match for my interests!


Pieces of Me said...

Hi, Laura-
I sent you an email inquiring about specific editors. My cover letter is ready to go, but I would like a name rather than just send it off blindly. Please let me know"

doritelv at hotmail dot com

Thanks so much,


Anonymous said...

Some other places to check out, if you haven't already done so.

1) The Chicago Book Clinic
2) Editorial Freelance Association's site
3) Book Builders of Boston's Website

Membership to any of these yields a ton of network resources,as well as ample prof development support.

I used to work in Ed Pub and these are the places where we hunted for freelancers.

Also, some of the other developers I didn't see mentioned (in addition to Words and Numbers, Mazer, and Tighe):


Laura said...


Thanks. I'll check into those. I have looked at the Editorial Freelance Association. My contact at Cengage mentioned that as a place they search for freelancers.

I have tried to find GGS, to no avail. That's a very popluar set of initials! I'd appreciate a link on that if you have one.


Anonymous said...

GGS was once (or may still be) TechBooks and I believe includes what was once also York Graphics (although that was a long time ago and I might be wrong about that).

Their site is:

By the way, Academic Benchmarks doesn't really employ writers. There are a state standards and correlations services company, so most of their contract work is for correlations/alignments of educational materials to state standards.