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Monday, February 15, 2010

Reviewing the Educational Publishers List: Round 2

I've begun reviewing the list of educational publishers to see who is actively accepting freelance resumes. If you missed it, take a look at Round 1. I've clicked through the next set of five to find a direct link to the contract/freelance page. Here's what I found:

Happy hunting!


Dorit Sasson said...


You might want to add to your blogroll of education companies Six Red Marbles ( - Use the contact page to send a resume or a potential project idea.

I've also sent freelance writing packets to General Learning Communications: Send a resume and samples via the contact page to George Duda, Vice President of Business Development and Educational Services at
Thanks for this second round!

Dorit Sasson
Creator of the New Teacher Resource Center

Catharine said...

Great information in this round. Wanted to let people know that GGS is a rather new developer on the educational publishing scene and is led on the editorial side by Jane Petlinski, a highly regarded veteran of the Pearson companies' social studies departments. I haven't worked for them yet but they have a veteran, quality staff and should be great to work with.