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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Education Market

  • I am so sorry that I have not posted Educational gigs the past week or two. I will be back on next week but wanted to let you know I had a valid reason.

1. New job working as the nurse in a residential facility for children- afternoons, writing in the morning with more gusto.

2. Participating in blog tours for Nancy I. Sanders and her book America's Black Founders. It is a great book for teachers and on her blog tour she gives tips on breaking into the book market for kids. Visit her site at

3. Doing book reviews for Mary DeMuth's new book THIN PLACES. It is a wonderful book for those looking for healing from abuses and problems especially from childhood.

So, again, sorry. I will say that as I scanned the job posts myself, nothing struck me so hope for new links next week. Thanks for understanding and blessings for a great writing week.


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