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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For Those of You Still Reading...

Hi. I know it's been forever, and I'm so, so sorry for not responding to those of you who were thoughtful enough to send me emails checking up on me. Here's a little bit if what my world has been like since last post.

I am still teaching elementary. It's still hard! Sheesh. I thought it would get better the 2nd year, but I still think elementary teachers have it the roughest. I am still living an hour away from where I work and the kids go to school. (The house is still for sale...) I have two high schoolers in the band and practice and contests keep us away from home during all of the daylight hours. (It's almost over! We made it to UIL State... very mixed feelings here). My husband went back overseas the day before school started and won't be home until right before Christmas. AND... I started graduate school last May. I know, I know... what was I thinking?! Well, the program was too good and too well-priced to pass up. This time next year I should be a campus assistant principal, if all goes according to plan.

What does all this mean for this blog? Well, I love this blog. I love providing this service. I just can't squeeze out any more sweat or blood to make this work (this post is actually taking up homework and grading time). I really, really want to come back to it. It would be great if I could get someone to post until next June, but I can't ever seem to make that work. Or if I do get someone offering to help, I don't follow up in a timely fashion. Those of you who've emailed me in the past 6 months can testify to that. I keep meaning to post the methods I use to find leads, but that, too, keeps getting put off. I worked on an assessment committee recently for the district and had forgotten how much I love writing test questions and such... that's what made be turn to look at this blog.

If you're still a subscriber, thanks. I hope to get this off the ground again in the future. If you're one of those kind souls willing to consider taking this blog on for a while, email me, and email me, and email me, and email me. Band will be over one week from today, so I should be able to direct some brain cells this way.

Thanks for all the support,


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you! Hang in there with band season (we also have only one week left in band season...thank heaven). I know we would all love to have you back and posting, but only when it is something you can manage on top of everything else you already do.

HipHopPrincess said...

Laura, I'm glad you're writing. I want to begin writing curricula for salon education programs. This is my first time on this site...I'm glad to be here to learn and grow with everyone else.