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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday's Educational Publishing Jobs

Education Market

Business Market

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Posting this Weekend

Just a quick note to let you all know that I will post on Saturday as early as I can. I am not trying to drop this completely, but school started this week and I've learned that I know less than I thought about teaching elementary. Sheesh!

See you on the weekend,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday's Educational Publishing Jobs

Education Market

Business Market

  • Copy Editor (Waltham, MA - The Massachusetts Medical Society)

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm sure you've noticed that I've been missing posts lately. I'm trying to keep up, but there have been a lot of changes around here that are wreaking havoc with my schedule.

I decided to go back into the classroom this fall. I will be teaching 4th grade after 11 years in middle school. There's a lot to wrap my head around. I love my new school. My children will also be attending the new school district, which is a terrific bonus.

Some of you may remember that the buyer for my house fell through this summer, and I didn't get to move when I wanted to. Unfortunate enough at the time, it is still having repercussions. Our new school district is almost an hour away from our current (for sale) home. This drive, together with a child in each level school with staggered start times (we have to leave the house at 6:10 a.m. to make it to the first start time) and high school evening band practice, makes for very long days. I have chosen to stay in town some nights, but at the cost of not having internet access to write a blog posts. Hence the spotty posts.

I am seriously considering what to do with this blog. I love the readership and I love being a good resource. There's just something about helping others that's addictive (perhaps that's why I'm a teacher). But with my current long commute, I don't see myself being able to keep up with it as it should be. Would any of you know of someone who might be interested in purchasing this blog? I am not looking to make loads of money, but I also want someone who's serious about continuing the blog. That's one of the ideas I've been tossing around. If anyone read this far and knows someone who might be interested, please email me. I may post a for sale notice soon.

Keeping my head above water,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday's Educational Publishing Jobs

Education Market

Business Market

Good luck!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Education-Related Leads for Fri, Aug 8, 2008

No leads today. I have way more on my plate than I can handle. I will post again on Monday. Happy weekend!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday's Educational Publishing Jobs

Education Market

Business Market

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thank you for the links!

I'm out of town for a long weekend, absorbed in over 400 relatives at a family reunion, therefore there will be no leads posted today. Instead, I've compiled a list of all the sites that I've found that link back to this one. I'd like to say thank you to all who do link back to this blog. It does help drive traffic here. If you know of a site that links to this one, either in comments or in the content itself, and I didn't mention it, please email me or post a comment. I'd love to acknowledge the site.

Also, thank you to all of you who pass on this blog word of mouth. Several folks who subscribe to this blog have emailed me to tell me they heard about it from a friend or colleague. You are all the reason this blog has grown and the reason I keep doing it. Thanks again.


THANKS again!
